
These namespaces and classes are available in the Lightroom SDK. Obtain namespaces using Lightroom's built-in import function. For some classes, import the namespace and use the constructor to create objects; other objects can only be obtained through other API functions, as described in the documentation for each class.

LrApplication (Namespace)
This namespace provides access to the active catalog and application-wide information, such as version information.
LrApplicationView (Namespace)
This namespace provides access to the application's view state, including the active module, main view mode, secondary view mode, and zoom level.
LrBinding (Namespace)
This namespace allows you to create observable properties tables, and to define common relationships between UI elements and data property values.
LrCatalog (Class)
This class provides access to a catalog of photos.
LrCollection (Class)
This class provides access to a photo collection and to the member photos.
This class provides access to a photo collection set, and to the member collections and nested sets.
LrColor (Class and Namespace)
This class encapsulates color values, specified using RGB or grayscale values, or by name.
LrDate (Namespace)
This namespace allows you to create and manipulate date and time values in various formats.
This namespace provides functions for controlling the Develop module.
This class provides access to a develop preset, which stores persistent develop settings.
This class provides access to a develop-preset folder, and to the LrDevelopPreset objects for the contained presets.
LrDialogs (Namespace)
This namespace allows you to invoke and manipulate predefined or custom dialog boxes.
LrErrors (Namespace)
This namespace allows you to format Lua error strings that can be used in error dialogs.
Provides access to the choices a user has made in the Export dialog, and the list of photos to be exported.
An object of this class represents a single rendition operation, undertaken during an export operation.
This class provides access to a list of photos to be exported and the renditions of those photos to be generated during an export operation.
LrExportSettings (Namespace)
This namespace allows you to check or set an image file format for an export operation, and (as of Lightroom 4.0) it also provides access to LrVideoExportPreset objects which represent the presets available for video export.
LrFileUtils (Namespace)
This namespace allows you to manipulate files and directories on the file system in a platform-independent manner.
Provides access to the choices a user has made in the Export dialog, and the list of photos to be exported.
LrFolder (Class)
This class provides access to a file-system folder and to its contained photos.
LrFtp (Namespace and Class)
This namespace and class allows you to send and receive data using FTP.
LrFunctionContext (Namespace and Class)
This namespace and class helps you clean up resources following the execution of a function.
LrHttp (Namespace)
This namespace allows you to send and receive data using HTTP.
LrKeyword (Class)
This class provides access to a Lightroom keyword, any contained keywords, and photos associated with the keyword.
LrLocalization (Namespace)
This namespace allows you to localize your plug-in for use in multiple languages, using the Adobe ZString mechanism.
LrLogger (Class and Namespace)
This class provides a mechanism for writing debug output that can be viewed with an external log viewer application.
LrMD5 (Namespace)
This namespace provides MD5 digest services.
LrMath (Namespace)
This namespace provides additional basic math operations not otherwise available in the Lua language.
This class implements an observable properties table.
LrPasswords (Namespace)
This namespace provides a mechanism to store passwords in a secure fashion, using services provided by each operating system.
LrPathUtils (Namespace)
This namespace allows you to manipulate file-system path strings in a platform-appropriate way.
LrPhoto (Class)
An object of this class represents a single photo or virtual copy in Lightroom's active catalog.
LrPhotoInfo (Namespace)
This namespace allows you to get information about individual photo files.
LrPlugin (Class)
This class represents a Lightroom plug-in, and the object provides access to configuration information, such as the path and resources.
LrPrefs (Namespace)
This namespace allows you to access a table of preferences that you define and store for your own plug-in.
LrProgressScope (Class and Namespace)
This class allows you to provide feedback to the user about the progress of a long-running task.
This class provides access to a named publishing service and its member collections and collection sets.
This class provides access to a published-photo collection and to its member photos.
This class provides access to a set of published-photo collections, and to the member collections and nested sets.Collection sets can be nested; that is, they can contain both collections and other collection sets.
An object of this class represents the publishing information associated with a photo that is part of a published collection.
LrRecursionGuard (Namespace and Class)
This namespace and class provides a simple recursion guard for function execution.
LrSelection (Namespace)
This namespace provides access to the selection-based commands.
LrShell (Namespace)
This namespace provides access to some operating-system shell functions (Finder in Mac OS, Windows Explorer in Windows).
LrSlideshow (Namespace)
This namespace provides access to Slideshow commands.
LrSocket (Namespace)
This namespace is used to send and receive data from other processes using sockets.
LrSounds (Namespace)
This namespace provides functions for playing sounds.
LrStringUtils (Namespace)
This namespace provides utility functions for string manipulation.
LrSystemInfo (Namespace)
This namespace allows you to gather information about the user's computer and operating system.
LrTasks (Namespace)
This namespace allows you to start and manage tasks that run cooperatively on Lightroom's main (user interface) thread.
LrTether (Namespace)
This namespace provides control over tethered shooting.
LrUndo (Namespace)
This namespace provides access to undo/redo commands.
An object of this class represents a single video export preset.
LrView (Namespace and Class)
This namespace and class allows you to define user interface elements for your plug-in.
These container properties determine how the child nodes are placed relative to one another.
These properties are used by all control types.
LrView edit view properties (View attributes)
These properties are used by controls with editable text: edit_field, combo_box, and password_field.
These properties determine how the children are sized and placed with respect to the parent.
LrView text properties (View attributes)
These properties are used by controls with editable or static text:
  • edit_field
  • combo_box
  • password_field
  • popup_menu
  • static_text
  • push_button
LrView view properties (View attributes)
These properties are used by most containers and control types, except row, column, and spacer.
This class specializes the view factory for use with web-engine plug-ins.
LrXml (Namespace and Class)
This namespace and class allows you create and examine XML documents.
The service definition script for an export service provider defines the hooks that your plug-in uses to extend the behavior of Lightroom's Export features.
The metadata-tagset provider is a Lua file that returns a tagset definition for filtering metadata displayed in the Library module's Metadata panel.
The service definition script for a publish service provider associates the code and hooks that extend the behavior of Lightroom's Publish features with their implementation for your plug-in.